Best quotes by Matt Gonzalez on People

Checkout quotes by Matt Gonzalez on People

  • If you run for mayor, people say you're being egotistical. If you decide you won't run for mayor, people say you're being self-centered and egotistical.
    - Matt Gonzalez
  • Certainly other things we can do, we gotta promote after-school employment, give kids an opportunity, raising the minimum wage was part of that, we can't expect that young people are going to feel they can make a living out there for such low wages.
    - Matt Gonzalez
  • When I got into politics, it was a shock. People promise all sorts of things and then never deliver.
    - Matt Gonzalez
  • If you engage people honestly, and you're willing to do the leg work, people will respond to that.
    - Matt Gonzalez
  • I've run for office, and I've stood on street corners, while people walked by me and didn't want to talk to me, and did not think I was a credible candidate. And then four years later, I was nearly elected mayor of San Francisco, so I know what it takes.
    - Matt Gonzalez
  • I really am disappointed when I run into people who are angry I'm leaving office.
    - Matt Gonzalez
  • I think a lot of politicians, rightfully so, understand that their political futures are tied to how many times people see their names in print. The press is so accustomed to politicians wanting those things, it's a surprise when somebody's like, 'Whatever, I'm not really worried about those things.'
    - Matt Gonzalez