Best quotes by Ted Danson on Work

Checkout quotes by Ted Danson on Work

  • We are all in this together. We will all make it or none of us will make it. If everyone cleans up their act except one big ole country, it isn't going to work.
    - Ted Danson
  • You have to work with the auto industry, the oil companies, you have to work to develop renewable fuel, whether it's solar or different kinds of fuel or whatever.
    - Ted Danson
  • I'm at the right age to work with dead people, but you have to be smart to be a CSI.
    - Ted Danson
  • I feel very strongly that you can't just beat people up anymore; you have to work hand in hand and find ways to compromise, and get big business involved, because it won't happen otherwise.
    - Ted Danson
  • One of the ingredients that made Cheers work so well was the great ensemble of actors we had. That's the case with any good series.
    - Ted Danson
  • I eat less, stretch, and work out.
    - Ted Danson