Best quotes by Justin Lin on Work

Checkout quotes by Justin Lin on Work

  • I've sat in so many meetings where they talk about converting movies to 3D just for the China market and just to make more money. I saw that people in China work long, long hours and that it's expensive to go to the movies, and you want to rip them off for even more money? I don't think that's right.
    - Justin Lin
  • I grew up, from ages 8 to 18, watching reruns of 'Star Trek' with my dad and my mom when they got home from work.
    - Justin Lin
  • People I work with are part of my family now: I feel like that's the new sense of family around the world.
    - Justin Lin
  • It's about supporting the many talented artists and filmmakers out there trying to create work from that marginalized point of view. Go out and buy tickets to their movies and plays, support their crowd sourcing campaigns, show the industry that there is a viable audience for this work.
    - Justin Lin
  • The great thing about a big studio movie is that you get to work with the best, the most talented craft people in the world. But you have to be able to communicate, trust, and empower everybody.
    - Justin Lin