Best quotes by Suzan DelBene on Technology

Checkout quotes by Suzan DelBene on Technology

  • I think we have to be more forward-looking when considering any legislation dealing with technology.
    - Suzan DelBene
  • We don't have a lot of technology people in Congress, so one of the basic things is to help people be educated on how technology works: what's there, where is it headed, what some of the challenges and opportunities are.
    - Suzan DelBene
  • Innovation is what we're going to need for the future, and that's always been a part of the technology industry.
    - Suzan DelBene
  • Advances in technology and the Internet have dramatically changed the way we communicate, live, and work.
    - Suzan DelBene
  • Technology is moving quickly. Policy is not moving as quickly.
    - Suzan DelBene
  • Most of our technology issues aren't partisan.
    - Suzan DelBene