Best quotes by Sufjan Stevens on Music

Checkout quotes by Sufjan Stevens on Music

  • Musicians are often asked to answer for an entire culture, or for an entire movement. It's a process of commodification. It becomes packaged and summarized in a word like 'emo' or 'grunge'... or 'folk music.' I think that's just language itself, trying to understand the mysteries of the world.
    - Sufjan Stevens
  • You know, I don't think my music is important, I don't think it's changing the world, I don't think it's art. I just think it's music. It is what it is.
    - Sufjan Stevens
  • I wouldn't mind being popular in other ways, but not with music.
    - Sufjan Stevens
  • I believe that music is a spiritual language. My everyday self is pretty mundane and boring, but when I'm making music it allows for me to communicate a kind of transcendence that I can't communicate otherwise.
    - Sufjan Stevens
  • My music is just about story telling. I don't have much to say, and I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I'm just singing through conviction about what I love and what I care about, starting with the very small.
    - Sufjan Stevens
  • I find in music there's a space and a language I can use to express things in ways I can't describe conversationally.
    - Sufjan Stevens
  • Pop music is so structured, and I'm excited to try and challenge that in my own work.
    - Sufjan Stevens
  • I've been trying to challenge myself to be more explicit. I've always liked punk rock and Sonic Youth. I make that music privately, but I've never released it.
    - Sufjan Stevens