Best quotes by Sudha Murty on Me

Checkout quotes by Sudha Murty on Me

  • People often ask me how I get so many unique experiences while they get none. I tell them the difference is in the sensitivity. I can observe those small emotions, which may look trivial to others.
    - Sudha Murty
  • I work everyday, but every day is a holiday for me because I enjoy my work.
    - Sudha Murty
  • For me, the test of a good office is how clean its toilets are.
    - Sudha Murty
  • One needs determination to bring in changes in the lives of Devadasis. I would approach them wearing pants and t-shirt and without a bindi, they would chase me away. When I narrated the experience to my father, he told me to don traditional wear and dress like them. After bringing in changes in my dressing style, the Devadasis welcomed me.
    - Sudha Murty
  • My first exposure to sanitation issues occurred when I got admission into an engineering college. They probably didn't want to admit me and informed me that there was no ladies toilet in the college. I was adamant and pursued my studies in engineering in that very college.
    - Sudha Murty
  • In my case, both my grandmothers made a huge impact on my early childhood days. But, as I grew older, people rarely made an impact or influenced me.
    - Sudha Murty