Best quotes by Rain Dove on World

Checkout quotes by Rain Dove on World

  • I just see clothing as cloth, and I see it as art, and I see it as a way to express yourself artistically in this world.
    - Rain Dove
  • I identify with my body, but I don't identify it as male or female; I just identify it as a vehicle to help me bring my awareness around the world.
    - Rain Dove
  • I will conquer Femmeness... And then, I will turn it on its head and redefine it for the world to see.
    - Rain Dove
  • We've established a world that's binary gendered, and I don't want to be disadvantaged at all. If being male is going to be more advantageous than being female, I'm all about it. I don't really think it's that important.
    - Rain Dove
  • When I get dressed, I don't think about what other people think. I only think, 'Is this me? Is this my truth? Am I able to move through this world with confidence? Am I able to move through this world feeling that I am I?'
    - Rain Dove