Best quotes by Steven Crowder on Life

Checkout quotes by Steven Crowder on Life

  • Strength training is a fantastic microcosm for a man's life: pushing yourself through discomfort, every single day, is the only way to make measurable progress. It's one of the few ways to grow as a man.
    - Steven Crowder
  • Death is not only a passing on but a time for everyone else to truthfully reflect on one's life.
    - Steven Crowder
  • When men get together, they moan about their wives. The commentary provided on marriage between groups of men is typically one from a viewpoint that assumes marriage to be life's greatest, most unfun mistake. Not only is it often as disingenuous as Joe Biden's hairline, but it's incredibly harmful.
    - Steven Crowder
  • One of my goals in life is to watch political correctness shrivel up and die (as it should be for any true conservative).
    - Steven Crowder
  • Whether you see Jesus as nothing more than a mythical figure or not, there's no doubt that living your life in a Christ-like manner is a lot harder than the hedonistic lifestyle reflected in Hollywood.
    - Steven Crowder
  • Your wedding can be the most memorable day and night of your life... or just another party.
    - Steven Crowder
  • Who'd have thought that living life like a dime store floozy throughout your formative years could negatively affect your decision-making ability or long-term, future relationships?
    - Steven Crowder
  • Whether you're young old, male, female, marriage (when done correctly) will make your life - and this country - better off.
    - Steven Crowder