Best quotes by Steve Zahn on Movies

Checkout quotes by Steve Zahn on Movies

  • People got to know me very gradually. It was little things. It's still like that. 'That Thing you Do!' was a big thing. It's always been very gradual. Like I say, people still ask me if I'm still acting. 'I've seen all your movies. What are you doing now?' Ha ha!
    - Steve Zahn
  • I feed horses and goats and sheep all day and, once in a while, come and talk about movies.
    - Steve Zahn
  • I love 'Shattered Glass.' It's one of my favorite movies. I think it's just brilliant.
    - Steve Zahn
  • It goes all the way back to 'Psycho.' Movies with twists like that are memorable because they're so simple.
    - Steve Zahn
  • I've done movies where they didn't have enough money to have trailers.
    - Steve Zahn