Best quotes by Stephen Moore on Government

Checkout quotes by Stephen Moore on Government

  • For all the obsession in Washington and in college faculty lounges over income inequality, why isn't there more outrage over government policies that exacerbate the problem? There are hundreds of programs that make the poor poorer and increase poverty in America.
    - Stephen Moore
  • I have worked in the federal government and saw the debilitating effects of our antiquated civil service system on morale and results.
    - Stephen Moore
  • Government can only spend a dollar to help someone when it forcibly takes a dollar from someone else.
    - Stephen Moore
  • At its core, government welfare is predicated on a false compassion.
    - Stephen Moore
  • Government must become lean and efficient and customer friendly. It must begin to pay its bills. Liberals believe this is radical and cruel. The rest of us think it is common sense.
    - Stephen Moore
  • The number of jobs created under President Barack Obama's stimulus turned out to be fewer than the number we would have had if the government had done nothing - according to the Obama administration's own analysis. So we got $9 trillion of debt with almost nothing to pay for it.
    - Stephen Moore
  • Under the Trump tax plan, we are no longer going to subsidize big government in blue states. Now those who choose to live in blue states are going to have to join with their neighbors, collect their pitchforks, and demand tax and spending cuts from city hall and the state capital.
    - Stephen Moore
  • The great American work ethic has not been lost, but it has been eroded by years of dumb government policies that Mr. Trump and Congress can correct.
    - Stephen Moore