Best quotes by Stephanie Coontz on People

Checkout quotes by Stephanie Coontz on People

  • Trump made his fortune manipulating tax laws and stiffing small businessmen, creating a few well-paying jobs along the way. Vulnerable people looking to master 'the art of the deal' learned the hard way that Trump held all the cards.
    - Stephanie Coontz
  • People feel better when their spouses have good friendships, over and above the effects of their own friendships.
    - Stephanie Coontz
  • Marriage is no longer the only place where people make major life transitions and decisions, enter into commitments, or incur obligations.
    - Stephanie Coontz
  • As a historian, I've spent much of my career warning people about the dangers of nostalgia.
    - Stephanie Coontz
  • When we assume that 'normal' people need 'time to heal,' or discourage individuals from making any decisions until a year or more after a loss, as some grief counselors do, we may be giving inappropriate advice. Such advice can cause people who feel ready to move on to wonder if they are hardhearted.
    - Stephanie Coontz
  • Why do people - gay or straight - need the state's permission to marry? For most of Western history, they didn't, because marriage was a private contract between two families. The parents' agreement to the match, not the approval of church or state, was what confirmed its validity.
    - Stephanie Coontz