Best quotes by Stella Young on People

Checkout quotes by Stella Young on People

  • We are a society that treats people with disabilities with condescension and pity, not dignity and respect.
    - Stella Young
  • I use the term 'disabled people' quite deliberately, because I subscribe to what's called the social model of disability, which tells us that we are more disabled by the society that we live in than by our bodies and our diagnoses.
    - Stella Young
  • The sentiment of those suggesting the Olympics and Paralympics be combined is no doubt well intentioned. But it also echoes the myth that disabled people want to be other than what we are - that we'd like nothing more than to be 'allowed in' with the able-bodied competitors.
    - Stella Young
  • For me, and for many other people with disabilities, our status as disabled people is one of which we are fiercely proud.
    - Stella Young
  • As disabled people, we are taught from a young age that those who are attracted to us are to be regarded with suspicion.
    - Stella Young
  • Disability simulation fails to capture the nuance and complexity of living in a disabled body. And it certainly fails to give a deep understanding of systemic discrimination and abuse faced by disabled people.
    - Stella Young
  • My everyday life in which I do exactly the same things as everyone else should not inspire people, and yet I am constantly congratulated by strangers for simply existing.
    - Stella Young
  • We fill our lives with all sorts of things that make it easier for us to get along in the world: wheelchairs, crutches, grabber sticks, hearing aids, canes, guide dogs, modified vehicles, ramps, as well as other kinds of services and supports. Disability does not necessarily mean dependence on other people.
    - Stella Young
  • Yooralla, like most disability service organisations, is full of good people who are passionate about the rights of people with disabilities.
    - Stella Young
  • For lots of us, disabled people are not our teachers or our doctors or our manicurists. We're not real people. We are there to inspire.
    - Stella Young
  • We think we know what it's all about; we think that disability is a really simple thing, and we don't expect to see disabled people in our daily lives.
    - Stella Young
  • People get all up in arms when I describe myself as a crip because what they hear is the word 'cripple,' and they hear a word you're not allowed to say anymore.
    - Stella Young
  • The magnitude of discrimination and stigma faced by people with disability in Australia cannot be underestimated. People do not understand disability, and people fear what they don't understand.
    - Stella Young
  • Yooralla is a people pleaser with a very powerful PR machine.
    - Stella Young
  • People are uncomfortable about disability, and so interactions can become unintentionally uncomfortable.
    - Stella Young
  • People with disabilities are simply part of diverse communities in the U.S.
    - Stella Young
  • The problem for many people with disabilities is not that we are not able to work a certain number of hours a week. It's that no-one will let us.
    - Stella Young