Best quotes by Stanley Hauerwas on God

Checkout quotes by Stanley Hauerwas on God

  • The Gospel of John makes explicit what all the Gospels assume - that is, the cross is not a defeat, but the victory of our God.
    - Stanley Hauerwas
  • The god most Americans say they believe in is just not interesting enough to deny. Thus the only kind of atheism that counts in America is to call into question the proposition that everyone has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
    - Stanley Hauerwas
  • Whatever it means for us to exist, we do so as creatures created, as the universe has been created, to glorify God.
    - Stanley Hauerwas
  • My mother had heard the story of Hannah and Samuel, so she prayed that if God would give her a son, she would give that son to God. That was a perfectly appropriate thing for her to do, but as I observe, she did not have to tell me she had made such a promise. In particular, she did not have to tell me when I was six.
    - Stanley Hauerwas
  • Part of what my work has always been about is to show that the apocalyptic character of the gospel makes the everyday possible. It gives us the time that lets us care for one another as we are ill, helps us care for one another as we experience broken relationships, and helps us take the time to worship God in a world of such violence.
    - Stanley Hauerwas
  • We Protestants automatically assume that the Pharisees are the Catholics. They are the self-righteous people who have made Christianity a form of legalistic religion, thereby destroying the free grace of the Gospel. We Protestants are the tax collectors, knowing that we are sinners and that our lives depend upon God's free grace.
    - Stanley Hauerwas
  • In Britain, when someone says they do not believe in God, they stop going to church. In the U.S., many who may have doubts about Christian orthodoxy may continue to go to church. They do so because they assume that a vague god vaguely prayed to is the god that is needed to support family and nation.
    - Stanley Hauerwas
  • From my perspective, 'postmodernism' merely names an interesting set of developments in the social order that is based on the presumption that God does not matter.
    - Stanley Hauerwas