Best quotes by Stacy Brown-Philpot on Me

Checkout quotes by Stacy Brown-Philpot on Me

  • When I was 14, I remember wanting a Coach bag, and my mother couldn't afford it. I decided at that age that I was going to grow up and get a job so that I could buy as many handbags as I wanted. And no one was ever going to stop me.
    - Stacy Brown-Philpot
  • I didn't know Penn was an Ivy League school - I didn't know what the Ivy League was. When I got in, they sent me the package, and the tuition was my mother's salary for a year. My mom said, 'We can't afford it.' So I went to the library and found several scholarships and grants and was able to cover 90 percent of my education that way.
    - Stacy Brown-Philpot
  • I like to swim a few times a week. It's relaxing, and no one can call, email, or text me while I'm in the pool.
    - Stacy Brown-Philpot
  • Undergrad, for me, in college was really about, you know, how do I become a professional. But business school, for me, was how do I become the person that I'm meant to be.
    - Stacy Brown-Philpot
  • My mother was a single mom, and she was a claims adjuster at an insurance company. She actually dropped out of school - she was going to become a registered nurse - because she had to take care of me and my brother.
    - Stacy Brown-Philpot
  • I was surprised by the attention and visibility on me as a black woman CEO. I look forward to the day when this is the norm and not the exception.
    - Stacy Brown-Philpot
  • Sheryl Sandberg was a mentor and a champion for me, and she saw something in me that I didn't see in myself.
    - Stacy Brown-Philpot
  • When I joined Google, it was 1,000 people. It took me two and a half years to look around and realize there weren't a lot of people like me.
    - Stacy Brown-Philpot
  • Failure was not an option for me.
    - Stacy Brown-Philpot