Best quotes by Mickey Gilley on Me

Checkout quotes by Mickey Gilley on Me

  • Well, I got people that help me with the restaurant. I don't have to be at the restaurant 24 hours a day.
    - Mickey Gilley
  • I've grown up with my audience; they're my age or older. Not a lot of kids are coming to see me.
    - Mickey Gilley
  • I guess the nicest thing about being, I won't say famous but being popular is a more proper word for me to use would be that if you've got a recognizable name, a lot of times you can get people to do things for you ordinarily that you wouldn't get done.
    - Mickey Gilley
  • A lost of people recognize me and maybe will ask for an autograph, but it's nothing like if Elvis would've done something like that, 'cause he's so popular, or maybe The Beatles 'cause they stirred up a lot of action.
    - Mickey Gilley
  • 'Cause I can make more money going in and doing my recordings and selling them through my entities that I have, rather than going to a record co. and them release a record and pay me 5 percent of what they make off it.
    - Mickey Gilley