Best quotes by Sophie Ellis-Bextor on Time

Checkout quotes by Sophie Ellis-Bextor on Time

  • I'm really interested in fashion but at the same time I find it quite competitive. Second-hand stuff leaves you more open to whatever your own personal style is rather than feeling dictated to by shops.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  • I used to be hung up on my figure, but it's a waste of time. I don't believe in diets. Have four pints one night, be healthy the next.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  • That's part of the reason I called the album 'Shoot From The Hip.' I did feel it was time to open up more.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  • Dance music is great, but it's not a time to be reflective or particularly wistful.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  • My little boy Sonny makes me laugh all the time. He has good comedic timing.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor