Best quotes by Matt McGorry on Me

Checkout quotes by Matt McGorry on Me

  • For me, my preference for comedy is grounding it in the psychology of the character, and not just kind of making faces. Even when it's a crazy character, grounded comedy resonates more with people because it doesn't look like you're watching someone do vaudeville. No offense to vaudeville.
    - Matt McGorry
  • I got a lot of empathy from my mother growing up, and I think it prevented me from ever really just writing people off.
    - Matt McGorry
  • It'll be interesting to see if I ever have to play a typical, bland romantic interest. I'm quirky, and playing it kind of straight and bland doesn't interest me a whole lot.
    - Matt McGorry
  • There's some part of me, as an actor, that likes attention and validation, but on any given day, depending on the style and volume of it, it can be too much.
    - Matt McGorry
  • I was the youngest member of the New York International Brotherhood of Magicians. It was me and a bunch of 60-year-old Jewish men.
    - Matt McGorry
  • I love the stuff that makes you laugh and cry. It kind of sucker-punches you a little bit. That's the thing that most interests me as a performer, in addition to telling the most captivating story.
    - Matt McGorry