Best quotes by Peter Schiff on Money

Checkout quotes by Peter Schiff on Money

  • The government can't create jobs; they'll destroy jobs trying to do it. The government doesn't have any money; all they have is a printing press. We need to free markets to create jobs; if the government wants to help, they should reduce their burden on the economy.
    - Peter Schiff
  • At some point, the dollar has to give. You can't just keep printing money, and monetizing debt, and buying bonds, without the dollar imploding.
    - Peter Schiff
  • The market needs to set prices, including interest rates and allocate resources. If it were up to me, we would abolish the Fed and return to the gold standard. Absent that, the Fed should be completely removed from the political sphere, its dual mandate replaced by a single mission to provide the nation with sound money.
    - Peter Schiff
  • People should have an escape valve for their money, their assets. If you have substantial financial assets, the government is going to confiscate the purchasing power of those assets and spend it.
    - Peter Schiff
  • You don't help the economy by spending money.
    - Peter Schiff
  • The one place that bitcoins seem to be used as money is in crime.
    - Peter Schiff