Best quotes by Simon Baron-Cohen on People

Checkout quotes by Simon Baron-Cohen on People

  • The idea of a cure for autism is itself controversial. Some people with autism say they don't want to be cured, because autism gives them a different way of looking at the world.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • Autism spectrum disorders are linked to other problems: Most of the people we see in our Asperger clinic for adults also suffer from clinical levels of depression.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • Baby girls, as young as 12 months old, respond more empathically to the distress of other people, showing greater concern through more sad looks, sympathetic vocalisations and comforting. This echoes what you find in adulthood: more women report frequently sharing the emotional distress of their friends.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • Maybe because I had a sister with a disability I was already sensitised to and fascinated by people who think or develop differently.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • What we want is that one day every workplace will be diverse - we already encourage that with gender and ethnicity, but the next frontier is neurodiversity and it will become ordinary. People won't think twice about it.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • There are people with Asperger's whom I've met who certainly would be very upset to learn they'd hurt another person's feelings. They often have very strong moral consciences and moral codes. They care about not hurting people.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • People with psychopathy are very good at reading the minds of their victims. That's probably most clearly seen in deception.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • Well, in the general population, we find differences between the typical male and typical female. For example, males seem to be more interested in systems and females seem to be more interested in people and particularly people's emotions.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • I'm hoping that autism is going to get to that same point, where it becomes quite ordinary to say, 'I have autism,' or 'I have Asperger's syndrome,' and that there will be many more resources available to make life easier for people on the autistic spectrum.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • I'm not satisfied with the term 'evil.' We've inherited this word... and we use it to express our abhorrence when people do awful things, usually acts of cruelty, but I don't think it's anything more than another word for doing something bad.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • Empathy is about two people - two people meeting, getting to know each other and tuning in to what the other person is thinking and feeling.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • Because people with autism are also strongly obsessional, meaning that they pursue their current interest to extraordinary detail and lengths and in great depth, they can develop 'tunnel vision' that prevents them from seeing the bigger picture, including the repercussions of their current actions.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • Autistic people's disabilities are widely known, but one of their best-established strengths is their attention to detail.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • Like any skill, systemising occurs on a bell curve in the population, with some people being faster at spotting patterns than others. Autistic people are often strong systemisers. Indeed their attention is often described as 'obsessive' as they check and recheck the patterns of a system.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • With the right support and reasonable adjustments, autistic people make wonderful employees.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen
  • People with autism flourish in domains where the information is consistent and predictable, and struggle most in domains where the information is ambiguous and unlawful.
    - Simon Baron-Cohen