Best quotes by Shirley Manson on Me

Checkout quotes by Shirley Manson on Me

  • I've got a lot of stamina and I enjoy people, so having lots of people around doesn't freak me out.
    - Shirley Manson
  • I have a temper on me that could hold back tides.
    - Shirley Manson
  • I mean, I tend to do my own thing, and that usually crosses purposes with everyone around me.
    - Shirley Manson
  • It's definitely an intrinsic part of my makeup that makes me want to see black when everyone else is seeing white.
    - Shirley Manson
  • At the end of the day, though, the band members have to be strong. It's down to the individuals in the unit. Listen to me, I'm talking like I'm in the army and this is my squadron.
    - Shirley Manson
  • Starbucks is my main fix and it's usually you people working in there - sometimes they're actually shaking. It just makes me feel horrendous because I've been in that situation.
    - Shirley Manson
  • No, I like being a role model because I know how much comfort my musical idols brought me.
    - Shirley Manson