Best quotes by Angus Deaton on Work

Checkout quotes by Angus Deaton on Work

  • My work on happiness is the only thing I've ever done where I've heard people in the supermarket talking about it, for instance.
    - Angus Deaton
  • Many people have mixed views about unions, but unions used to give people some measure of control at work. They gave them a social life and political representation in Washington, which doesn't really exist anymore.
    - Angus Deaton
  • I have the great good fortune that one of my collaborators in work, Anne Case, is also my collaborator in life.
    - Angus Deaton
  • A good theoretical account must explain all of the evidence that we see. If it doesn't work everywhere, we have no idea what we are talking about, and all is chaos.
    - Angus Deaton
  • Although globalization and technological change have disrupted traditional work arrangements, both processes have the potential to benefit everyone. The fact that they have not suggests that the wealthy have captured the benefits for themselves.
    - Angus Deaton