Best quotes by Sheila Heti on Me

Checkout quotes by Sheila Heti on Me

  • I don't wear shoes that are going to give me any pain. I just cannot do that.
    - Sheila Heti
  • I feel like every single time I've published a book, there's some little light in me that goes out. I've seen the way people can misunderstand or misinterpret things, if not maliciously, then without a lot of sensitivity.
    - Sheila Heti
  • For me, a memoir is supposed to be understood as a representation of your life, whereas a novel is self-consciously symbolic.
    - Sheila Heti
  • Writing, for me, when I'm writing in the first-person, is like a form of acting. So as I'm writing, the character or self I'm writing about and my whole self - when I began the book - become entwined. It's soon hard to tell them apart. The voice I'm trying to explore directs my own perceptions and thoughts.
    - Sheila Heti
  • I don't know what that line is between fiction and non-fiction that other people have in their minds, but to me, when I'm writing, it's just like whatever the next sentence should be is the next sentence. It's not this artificial division.
    - Sheila Heti
  • Nonfiction, to me, feels like an argument, whereas a novel is like a series of questions.
    - Sheila Heti
  • Toronto is my home. It's where my family is. I think I feel an obligation to be within subway distance of the people who raised me.
    - Sheila Heti