Best quotes by Selena Gomez on Life

Checkout quotes by Selena Gomez on Life

  • You reflect on the people who used to be in your life, and it's like, 'Wow, I can't believe that person was ever really in my life.' But people are put into your life for seasons, for different reasons, and to teach you lessons.
    - Selena Gomez
  • We only have one life, and it is very precious, and there's a lot we can do, and there's a lot we should do.
    - Selena Gomez
  • If you have three people in your life that you can trust, you can consider yourself the luckiest person in the whole world.
    - Selena Gomez
  • I love what I do, I can't imagine doing anything else, but ultimately, my goal is to be happy and have a family. That's my life.
    - Selena Gomez
  • For a while, my private life was the most talked about thing.
    - Selena Gomez
  • Authenticity is my life.
    - Selena Gomez
  • Authenticity is my life.
    - Selena Gomez
  • I have a lot of wonderful people in my life - probably five, collectively - who I can tell everything to.
    - Selena Gomez
  • I have a lot of wonderful people in my life - probably five, collectively - who I can tell everything to.
    - Selena Gomez