Best quotes by Sean Spicer on People

Checkout quotes by Sean Spicer on People

  • What we've seen in government for so often is that people have been shady - about their roles, hiding things, not releasing things.
    - Sean Spicer
  • Not everybody who supports Donald Trump, not everyone who supports Hilary Clinton, are exactly the kind of people that you want as supporters.
    - Sean Spicer
  • The press has a right to go out and write stories... but I think similarly, and what Donald Trump has proven... is that when people are wrong, he's going to hold them accountable, and he's going to correct the record.
    - Sean Spicer
  • I think there's a difference between calling people out and understanding the role that the press plays in a free society.
    - Sean Spicer
  • Conflicts of interest' arise when you're not - when you're sneaky about it, when you're shady about it, when you're not transparent about it. If you tell everyone, 'Here's what's going on. Here's the process; here are the people that are playing a role' - that's being transparent.
    - Sean Spicer
  • The number one focus of the American people has been jobs and the economy.
    - Sean Spicer
  • There's no question, I think, as more and more people get to know Rex Tillerson, they're going to be really proud of the choice that Donald Trump made as our next secretary of state.
    - Sean Spicer
  • I think most people aren't really privy to how stories are developed and what stories are - make it to the front page or to the mainstream media, whether it's in print or in broadcast. And I think they'd be shocked and disappointed to see some of the bias that exists in some of the stories that don't get told - or the manner in which they are told.
    - Sean Spicer