Best quotes by Sean Spicer on Donald Trump

Checkout quotes by Sean Spicer on Donald Trump

  • I don't think, Donald Trump doesn't think, no one thinks that a foreign entity should be interfering with a foreign election.
    - Sean Spicer
  • Not everybody who supports Donald Trump, not everyone who supports Hilary Clinton, are exactly the kind of people that you want as supporters.
    - Sean Spicer
  • Donald Trump did exactly what he said he'd do on the campaign trail and frankly what we should have more of, which is luring companies to stay here by easing regulations, by lowering the tax burden so that more Americans can have U.S. jobs.
    - Sean Spicer
  • The press has a right to go out and write stories... but I think similarly, and what Donald Trump has proven... is that when people are wrong, he's going to hold them accountable, and he's going to correct the record.
    - Sean Spicer
  • I think the thing that you've seen with Donald Trump is that he doesn't - he doesn't look to the past and say, 'I've got to conform to these precedents.'
    - Sean Spicer