Best quotes by Scott Walker on America

Checkout quotes by Scott Walker on America

  • Looking at America's history, ordinary people did something extraordinary. Leaders risked their lives for freedoms that we take for granted today. That's what instills confidence. That's us. We will move forward and prosper because that's who we are as Americans.
    - Scott Walker
  • When we win, it will tell every politician in America that if you are bold, if you do the right thing, if you tackle the tough issues, there will be people standing there right with you.
    - Scott Walker
  • More people on unemployment benefits is not success in America, fewer people on not because we kicked them off but because they have been able to get a job in the private sector, because government got out of the way.
    - Scott Walker
  • You look at Governor Romney's record in the private sector, he helped turn businesses around. Certainly a decade ago he took what would have been an international disaster with the U.S. Olympics, and turned it around for America and made us great again with the Olympics in Salt Lake City.
    - Scott Walker
  • We need someone to turn things around in America.
    - Scott Walker
  • We are leading from behind under the Obama-Clinton doctrine - America's a great country. We need to stand up and start leading again, and we need to have allies, not just in Israel, but throughout the Persian Gulf.
    - Scott Walker
  • I think most of us in America understand that people, not the government, creates jobs.
    - Scott Walker
  • I think people across America want a leader who's actually going to listen to them.
    - Scott Walker