Best quotes by Pim Fortuyn on Society

Checkout quotes by Pim Fortuyn on Society

  • I want to stop the influx of new immigrants. This way, we can give those who are already here the opportunity to fully integrate into our society.
    - Pim Fortuyn
  • Christianity and Judaism have gone through the process of enlightenment, making them creative and constructive elements in society.
    - Pim Fortuyn
  • There is tension between the values of modern society and the principles of Islam.
    - Pim Fortuyn
  • Modern society places an emphasis on individual responsibility, whereas Islam places an emphasis on collective responsibility and the family.
    - Pim Fortuyn
  • We have equality of men and women in western society, whereas in Islamic culture, women are inferior to men.
    - Pim Fortuyn