Best quotes by Saweetie on Music

Checkout quotes by Saweetie on Music

  • I grew up listening to a lot of 2Pac and a lot of East Coast, West Coast rap; Bad Boy, Lil Kim, Foxy Brown, Biggie, 2Pac. Super hip-hop, super listening to that raw era of music.
    - Saweetie
  • I've been wanting to do music since I was 14, but like I've really always enjoyed giving speeches and I enjoy talking to people, so I was like, maybe I can be a newscaster.
    - Saweetie
  • I feel like music is, you know, made to inspire, to heal, and to cope with. So, I hope that when my fans, or even just people who stumble across my music, I hope they get some type of feeling from it.
    - Saweetie
  • My dream school was USC. So I was like, alright, I'm going to apply to USC, and If I don't get in - I'm dropping out of school, and I'm pursuing music. So I applied, and I got in. I was like alright, I'm at the number one communications school in the country, and that was my major.
    - Saweetie
  • I make music for people to relate to and to connect with me. I want to tap into different emotions.
    - Saweetie
  • I would describe my music as very honest. I just rap about myself, and not in a narcissistic way. I feel like I have a story to tell.
    - Saweetie
  • In the beginning, I took on every opportunity because I was so determined to get my name and music out there. You can get your sleep, but honestly your brain needs a break, too, and so many people forget that.
    - Saweetie
  • But it's hard to support yourself from music when nobody knows you.
    - Saweetie
  • I performed in high school for Black History Month at a talent show, but besides that I didn't have the resources to perform so I spent my time as a teenager writing music.
    - Saweetie
  • I like working with people who are passionate about what I'm doing. I'm super passionate about music, so I want to make sure my colleagues and people on my team are the same, as well. I'm a very hands-on artist, so I don't give my work to my team.
    - Saweetie
  • I stopped listening to a lot of music because I wanted to become more comfortable with what I naturally sound like.
    - Saweetie