Best quotes by Sarah Gadon on Work

Checkout quotes by Sarah Gadon on Work

  • It's so often that I read for the bouncy, sunny girl men fall in love with who will solve all the romantic problems in the narrative. I don't choose to work that way.
    - Sarah Gadon
  • It's tempting to think, 'This is silly. I'm an artist. I care about my work, my work is first. I don't care about what kind of dress I wear... That's so secondary to me.' But if you care about your work... then you need to take this part of it just as seriously as you would going into an audition and going into work.
    - Sarah Gadon
  • I think when you work with really wonderful directors who have a really strong vision, it lets you as an artist set the tone for your own career.
    - Sarah Gadon
  • I think Tilda Swinton is terribly interesting. I think she's fascinating. I love her work.
    - Sarah Gadon
  • I have these surreal moments where I'm like, 'I'm pregnant with Jake Gyllenhaal's baby' and 'I'm telling Robert Pattinson that he smells of sex.' But you're acting, so the focus is on the work.
    - Sarah Gadon
  • It varies, but in my experience, directors who are the most comfortable with themselves and confident in their work give you and everybody on the crew the freedom and the space to create.
    - Sarah Gadon
  • I think about work all the time. I was in my bathroom yesterday and thought, 'I could never work again.' I don't have a job lined up right now - what if I never get another one?
    - Sarah Gadon
  • The lack of available, good work inspires a lot of people to be self-creating.
    - Sarah Gadon
  • I think when you focus on the work, it becomes a simpler pursuit.
    - Sarah Gadon