Best quotes by Santigold on Music

Checkout quotes by Santigold on Music

  • It's always cathartic for me to write music.
    - Santigold
  • The social media thing is insane: the constant engagement with the public, not even just your fans. It's not really about the music; it's about how you can be seen.
    - Santigold
  • I'm hoping to knock down the walls and broaden the lane a little bit more for music that's pop music at the heart of it.
    - Santigold
  • The reason I make music is so that I can influence people and inspire people, but I also want to make music that I feel happy about and that I feel is good. The challenge, which is why it's worth keeping going, is to constantly strive to figure out where the meeting place is.
    - Santigold
  • I've just been learning how to direct my own videos, choreography, doing costumes... every creative opportunity there is with my music I've taken.
    - Santigold
  • Anyway, I'd get bored with just doing music!
    - Santigold
  • I feel like good music comes and goes in waves.
    - Santigold
  • People can feel stuff in a different way when it's through music. If you can get some inspiration into a song, it might be received in a more impactful way than if you were just to have a conversation.
    - Santigold
  • I grew up listening to topical music - songs that were about things. So when I write songs, a lot of the time, they're about the things weighing on my heart that I want people to think about.
    - Santigold
  • I feel like my music has so many different things going on. I've always worked with many different producers. And a lot of times, each of them has a different thing that I really love about what they do.
    - Santigold
  • I've always been an artist who's about being real and about telling the truth and making music with integrity and talking about something.
    - Santigold
  • I feel like David Byrne is a great example of someone who is always in the 'now' moment of music and finding reasons to be excited and always seeing what's special about it.
    - Santigold
  • I'm terrible at social media, and it sucks for me, because I know I have fans. But if you go by my Instagram, you would think, 'No one listens to her music!' It's not fair. My Instagram is not my music.
    - Santigold
  • Around 2008 was a really special time culturally. There were a lot of cool things going on in music, in fashion, politically. It was a really hopeful time and a really creative time.
    - Santigold
  • I love pop music, and I love when music is accessible.
    - Santigold
  • I like when pop is still good music; that's what I like.
    - Santigold