Best quotes by Fred DeLuca on People

Checkout quotes by Fred DeLuca on People

  • Subway is a real point of pride. We have influenced the way people eat.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • Everybody eats three times a day; it's only a question of where they choose to eat. The longer-term trends are people eat out more often.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • The people who come to work deserve to be paid properly, and there's no excuse. I could understand someone making a small error, but sometimes people make systematic errors, and that's not right.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • It's tough for people to get into business, especially a small business.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • If someone wants to eat healthy, they can do that and get the sandwich exactly right. I'm so pleased we're able to influence so many people and their eating habits.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • If you treat people nicely, and you allow them to fulfill a role that is satisfying for them, they'll accomplish a lot, and they'll enjoy their work.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • In some markets, we don't have a lot of room to expand. We've done studies of store density and essentially found our more dense markets have more than one store per 15,000 people.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • In the U.S. and Canada, we have one store for every 12,000 people.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • I know a lot of people at some point in their business careers decide they'll just cash in and do something else, but for some reason, I've never had that feeling.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • Back when we started, people didn't even know what a submarine sandwich was. The product was only sold in a few markets.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • Most of the people we sign on as development agents commit to goals they don't believe are possible.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • For a franchise system to work well, you really need people with an entrepreneurial mind-set because, while you have a large, overarching system that everybody has to work with, a lot of local issues have to be handled.
    - Fred DeLuca
  • By and large, we're a bread-eating culture. People like sandwiches. We don't really over-think that one.
    - Fred DeLuca