Best quotes by Sally Ride on Space

Checkout quotes by Sally Ride on Space

  • The stars don't look bigger, but they do look brighter.
    - Sally Ride
  • When you're getting ready to launch into space, you're sitting on a big explosion waiting to happen.
    - Sally Ride
  • Rocket science is tough, and rockets have a way of failing.
    - Sally Ride
  • Yes, I did feel a special responsibility to be the first American woman in space.
    - Sally Ride
  • So most astronauts getting ready to lift off are excited and very anxious and worried about that explosion - because if something goes wrong in the first seconds of launch, there's not very much you can do.
    - Sally Ride
  • When the space shuttle's engines cut off, and you're finally in space, in orbit, weightless... I remember unstrapping from my seat, floating over to the window, and that's when I got my first view of Earth. Just a spectacular view, and a chance to see our planet as a planet.
    - Sally Ride
  • On a standard space shuttle crew, two of the astronauts have a test pilot background - the commander and the pilot.
    - Sally Ride
  • After the Challenger accident, NASA put in a lot of time to improve the safety of the space shuttle to fix the things that had gone wrong.
    - Sally Ride
  • It takes a few years to prepare for a space mission.
    - Sally Ride
  • No, I think most astronauts recognize that the space shuttle program is very high-risk, and are prepared for accidents.
    - Sally Ride
  • One thing I probably share with everyone else in the astronaut office is composure.
    - Sally Ride
  • I've discovered that half the people would love to go into space and there's no need to explain it to them. The other half can't understand and I couldn't explain it to them. If someone doesn't know why, I can't explain it.
    - Sally Ride
  • But even in elementary school and junior high, I was very interested in space and in the space program.
    - Sally Ride
  • I do a lot of running and hiking, and I also collect stamps - space stamps and Olympics stamps.
    - Sally Ride
  • The fact that I was going to be the first American woman to go into space carried huge expectations along with it.
    - Sally Ride
  • Then during the mission itself, I used the space shuttle's robot arm to release a satellite into orbit.
    - Sally Ride
  • I slept just floating in the middle of the flight deck, the upper deck of the space shuttle.
    - Sally Ride
  • NASA has to approve whatever we wear, so there are clothes to choose from, like space shorts - we wear those a lot - and NASA T-shirts.
    - Sally Ride
  • The space shuttle is a better and safer rocket than it was before the Challenger accident.
    - Sally Ride
  • The food isn't too bad. It's very different from the food that the astronauts ate in the very early days of the space program.
    - Sally Ride