Best quotes by Megan Thee Stallion on Music

Checkout quotes by Megan Thee Stallion on Music

  • That's what I feel like my music represents - having no limits or restrictions.
    - Megan Thee Stallion
  • The main goal of my music is to make people feel strong and confident.
    - Megan Thee Stallion
  • My music is me letting the world know how confident I am in myself, and me basically telling other women - and guys - how confident and how comfortable I believe they should be.
    - Megan Thee Stallion
  • You know how many men make music without biting each other's heads off? Why do we have to do that? There's room for everybody. I really couldn't care less what the next girl's doing. If she's shining, that's good. It's not taking away from my light.
    - Megan Thee Stallion
  • I feel like boys listen to my music. They just don't like to admit it, but I go hard. But yeah, I feel like I go really hard, so why not listen to me? Anybody could relate to my music, honestly.
    - Megan Thee Stallion