Best quotes by Ryne Sandberg on Game

Checkout quotes by Ryne Sandberg on Game

  • The reason I am here, they tell me, is that I played the game a certain way, that I played the game the way it was supposed to be played.
    - Ryne Sandberg
  • I had too much respect for the game to leave it behind or to make it my second or third sport in college.
    - Ryne Sandberg
  • If you played the game the right way, played the game for the team, good things would happen.
    - Ryne Sandberg
  • My mom was at every single game I played as a kid, rain or shine.
    - Ryne Sandberg
  • The fourth major league game I ever saw in person, I was in uniform.
    - Ryne Sandberg
  • When did it - When did it become okay for someone to hit home runs and forget how to play the rest of the game?
    - Ryne Sandberg
  • I didn't play the game right because I saw a reward at the end of the tunnel.
    - Ryne Sandberg
  • I learned a lot in the Minor Leagues, spending six years there. I honed my skills, as far as coaching goes. I was able to work with the players in a lot of facets of the game.
    - Ryne Sandberg
  • My Hall of Fame speech was about respect for the game.
    - Ryne Sandberg
  • 'The Sandberg Game' comes up all the time. Fans tell me where they were. They were driving down the highway, they were in the bleachers, they were downtown listening on the radio, they were on the farm on a tractor. I've heard all the stories where people have been. They're just amazed by the ending of the game and the thrill of it.
    - Ryne Sandberg
  • I am not the type of person who can leave my game at the ballpark and feel comfortable that my future is set regardless of my performance.
    - Ryne Sandberg