Best quotes by Rachel Cusk on World

Checkout quotes by Rachel Cusk on World

  • As it stands, motherhood is a sort of wilderness through which each woman hacks her way, part martyr, part pioneer; a turn of events from which some women derive feelings of heroism, while others experience a sense of exile from the world they knew.
    - Rachel Cusk
  • I sometimes feel that the world is a very uncivilised place where it is meant to be at its most civilised. Where it's meant to be intellectual or artistic or compassionate, it isn't, and that makes me very angry.
    - Rachel Cusk
  • The old world of England was picturesque and safe in a way that L.A. wasn't, but it was so amazingly socially cruel. I had never experienced that in America - never in school, nowhere.
    - Rachel Cusk
  • I have some pretty forceful ideas about the world - obviously I do. But I suppose I can only really speak about them from within the protection of a literary form.
    - Rachel Cusk
  • How can there be so many mothers in the world but so little sense of what it might be to become one?
    - Rachel Cusk
  • To become a mother is to learn a whole language - to relearn it, perhaps, as it was the tongue to which we were born - and hence gain entrance to a forgotten world of comprehension.
    - Rachel Cusk