Best quotes by Ryan Kavanaugh on Business

Checkout quotes by Ryan Kavanaugh on Business

  • Nobody has a crystal ball, and part of evolving a business plan is to say, 'I might have said we're going left, but I see the opportunity and we're going right.'
    - Ryan Kavanaugh
  • I don't care about awards. I want to make money. I want to own a business.
    - Ryan Kavanaugh
  • Don't get stuck on a business plan just because it was your business plan.
    - Ryan Kavanaugh
  • Never make too good of a deal. It sounds a little counterintuitive, but the deals that are too good of a deal for you in the long run will end up hurting you. A lot of people in our business don't realize that. They think their job is to go in a room and negotiate the highest price.
    - Ryan Kavanaugh
  • Most of my ex-girlfriends are still close friends. I guess when you are with someone that long, unless they did something really terrible to you, you remain friends. My real estate business is run by my best friend, who is an ex-girlfriend.
    - Ryan Kavanaugh