Best quotes by Ruth Negga on Me

Checkout quotes by Ruth Negga on Me

  • I am not hugely famous; I am not a name. For me, it's not the size of the role, it's the material and the people you are working with.
    - Ruth Negga
  • I don't like hobbies. I read and travel and see my friends before they disown me.
    - Ruth Negga
  • People ask me where I'm from. I say Ireland, and they are like 'Really? You don't look Irish.' Then you have to explain... people are intrigued, but sometimes you think, 'Why do I have to tell my whole story every time I open my mouth?
    - Ruth Negga
  • If people want to invade your privacy, they want to invade your privacy. I find it chilling, and I find it awful, and it makes me really nervous. It hasn't happened to me much, but when you have a taste of it, it's bitter.
    - Ruth Negga
  • What's really important is the people, first of all. I like working with people who are kind, above all else. I don't really want to work with someone who will manipulate me. The idea that you must treat actors a certain way in order to get a performance out of them kind of disturbs me, and it's disregarding what we do. Our job is to do our job.
    - Ruth Negga
  • Some people say to me, 'You don't sound very Irish.' It's because I have this tendency to iron out my accent: not because I'm ashamed of it but because it makes my life easier if I don't keep having to repeat myself.
    - Ruth Negga
  • My family very much adored me, and at school, I was an object of fascination.
    - Ruth Negga
  • What I have wanted to do is take roles that are unexpected for people who look like me. Roles that the establishment would say, 'Oh, she couldn't possibly be that.'
    - Ruth Negga
  • I've gone into auditions, and I think they have an assumption about me when they see my photo, and then I open my mouth, and they say, 'Where exactly are you from? And you were born in Ethiopia? But you're Irish, but you also kind of sound English. That's really strange.'
    - Ruth Negga
  • The idea that you must treat actors a certain way in order to get a performance out of them kind of disturbs me, and it's disregarding what we do. Our job is to do our job.
    - Ruth Negga