Best quotes by Brian O'Driscoll on Me

Checkout quotes by Brian O'Driscoll on Me

  • My missus knows to leave me alone.
    - Brian O'Driscoll
  • Rugby gave me a confidence. I was quite shy and relatively timid, but it gave me the confidence to be a little bit more out-going and back myself a bit more.
    - Brian O'Driscoll
  • The 2001 tour to Australia would have been a great highlight in my career if the Lions had won the series. That might sound strange because it was a great tour in many ways, but, for me, the more time goes by, the less of a career highlight it becomes, and just more of a frustration.
    - Brian O'Driscoll
  • A physical therapist does some unbelievable stretching with me.
    - Brian O'Driscoll
  • For me, it took five years to understand what professionalism meant. But I'm more settled now. I'm married, life changes, and I've been lucky in managing my injuries.
    - Brian O'Driscoll
  • Everyone has tests in their life. They come in lots of different forms. I had two or three together, which definitely challenged me as a person and as a sportsman. The big thing is how you react to those situations. You want to come out positively at the other end, and that's what I focused on doing.
    - Brian O'Driscoll
  • I get burnt in the sun, so there's no point me getting pecs for when I take my shirt off in the summer.
    - Brian O'Driscoll