Best quotes by Ron White on Me

Checkout quotes by Ron White on Me

  • You wanna get the truth out of me, get me hammered.
    - Ron White
  • I don't have a specific plan except for as long as people want to listen to me talk, I'm going to keep talking. I can't imagine a life without doing standup.
    - Ron White
  • The bulk of my fans are my age, and I'm aging at the same rate they are. That makes me relevant. They like hearing what I have to say. I work hard at it, but it's addicting, really.
    - Ron White
  • Ultimately I'm the writer for me, but also, anytime one of my friends gets stuck with a bit, they can call me, and I'm pretty good at helping them get there.
    - Ron White
  • If you watch the 'Blue Collar Comedy Tour,' don't expect that when you come see me by myself, 'cause it's a little rougher.
    - Ron White
  • Here's how I operate. When I see something I like, 20 years later, I ask her brother for her phone number. She don't even see me coming.
    - Ron White
  • Anybody could say anything they want about me, and it literally never penetrates my skin.
    - Ron White
  • I don't like to do material people have heard. Now, they like to hear material that they know, because that's the stuff that made me famous, and, unfortunately, I don't do a ton of it.
    - Ron White
  • I begged the universe to make me a famous comedian, and it did. So I tend not to ask for any more.
    - Ron White
  • I don't know who in my family thinks very fast at all, including me. The things that people see me do onstage are written, so it doesn't have to be very quick if you have all day with a pen.
    - Ron White