Best quotes by Chad Gilbert on People

Checkout quotes by Chad Gilbert on People

  • You think of your first album, when we had no clue what we were doing, we had no clue if people were going to like it or not, we did it because we love it.
    - Chad Gilbert
  • Because of social media being such a marketable format, things are constantly being released, so people don't pay as much attention because they have a million things being thrown at them. You reach more people, but now there's more content. Before, it was harder to get the people but there was less content.
    - Chad Gilbert
  • We did two nights at a place in Southern California that only holds about 500 people. It was really intimate... Everyone was in lingerie... OK, every time someone says a show was intimate, my head always goes there.
    - Chad Gilbert
  • People don't know what star-struck is until they've met Tom Hanks.
    - Chad Gilbert
  • Nowadays, people get tattoos so easily, to look cool and only for fashion.
    - Chad Gilbert
  • It doesn't matter what people want to say on message boards, know what I mean? I don't pay attention to that stuff.
    - Chad Gilbert