Best quotes by Roger Ver on Bitcoin

Checkout quotes by Roger Ver on Bitcoin

  • If the world's using bitcoin, governments won't be able to fund wars through inflation like they do today.
    - Roger Ver
  • I don't think Bitcoin cares what the Chinese or American politicians do.
    - Roger Ver
  • We will never hear about people's Bitcoin accounts being frozen or seized by a government agency.
    - Roger Ver
  • Monero at a protocol level is very, very private and has that big advantage over bitcoin.
    - Roger Ver
  • Once people see Bitcoin and how it works, they realise this isn't just a flash in the pan.
    - Roger Ver
  • Because the supply of Bitcoin is limited, the price of Bitcoin is going to have to increase and increase very substantially over time. My advice is that if you're interested in Bitcoin and excited by Bitcoin, then buy some Bitcoin and hold onto them, and you're likely to do very well over time.
    - Roger Ver
  • Bitcoin is here to stay.
    - Roger Ver
  • Bitcoin never sleeps. We need to move quickly and grow quickly and do everything sooner rather than later.
    - Roger Ver
  • Price is the least interesting thing about bitcoin.
    - Roger Ver
  • Somehow I wound up with the nickname 'Bitcoin Jesus,' so people expect me to know about everything everywhere.
    - Roger Ver
  • PayPal came within an inch of being shut down by regulators when they started. The feds seizing the Dwolla account and stealing the money that is owned by Mt. Gox customers is more proof that Bitcoin is the superior payment system.
    - Roger Ver
  • If bitcoin is more expensive or slower than traditional financial systems, people aren't going to use it.
    - Roger Ver
  • If the U.S. government tries to restrict or clamp down, that just means there will be many more bitcoin businesses in Hong Kong and Singapore, and all those Americans will miss out on all the opportunities.
    - Roger Ver
  • You have to be really, really careful how you use bitcoin in order to use it privately.
    - Roger Ver
  • I don't think it's any sort of stretch of the imagination to say that, very, very realistically, each single bitcoin, if bitcoin becomes popular, will have to be worth at least tens of thousands of dollars.
    - Roger Ver
  • Anybody who has enough information about what's going on in the bitcoin world, you would not buy your bitcoins on Mt. Gox.
    - Roger Ver
  • I don't think it matters at all if the Bitcoin Foundation were to close.
    - Roger Ver
  • Setting regulatory certainty is very important for bitcoin. I'm opposed to the regulations, but the bitcoin businesses need to know the rules of the game in order to move ahead.
    - Roger Ver
  • At first, almost everyone who got involved did so for philosophical reasons. We saw bitcoin as a great idea, as a way to separate money from the state.
    - Roger Ver
  • Bitcoin will experience many bubbles along its way to improving the lives of everyone on the planet. I'm not concerned with the short-term price fluctuations.
    - Roger Ver
  • Before Bitcoin, I was just waiting around for the Singularity.
    - Roger Ver
  • Silicon Valley is a great place for Bitcoin, since everyone understands computers, and there are lots of libertarians running around.
    - Roger Ver