Best quotes by Robert Kraft on People

Checkout quotes by Robert Kraft on People

  • I try to hire good people and let them do their job and don't question how they do things.
    - Robert Kraft
  • Hang out with good people, do good things, and always put the team first.
    - Robert Kraft
  • Working class people and lower income people we have to help more.
    - Robert Kraft
  • If you're running businesses anywhere in the world, people who really do well are the people who have mental toughness.
    - Robert Kraft
  • People are tweeting, texting, and e-mailing - and not connecting. There are very few ways for communities to come together. It happens at concerts and at sporting events.
    - Robert Kraft
  • I am not comfortable discussing politics publicly; I am very comfortable talking about my friendships with people who happen to be in politics.
    - Robert Kraft