Best quotes by Barry Gardiner on Climate Change

Checkout quotes by Barry Gardiner on Climate Change

  • We must commit to a positive programme of ocean recovery to combat the effects of climate breakdown, and boost our oceans' capacity to tackle climate change.
    - Barry Gardiner
  • The media when it focuses on climate change at all, does so in terms of carbon emissions and how to reduce them. Only rarely do our leaders advance arguments about adapting our environment and our economy to the effects of climate change that are already inevitable.
    - Barry Gardiner
  • Adaptation is the forgotten word of climate change.
    - Barry Gardiner
  • Climate change is a threat to the conditions in which our economy can function at all.
    - Barry Gardiner
  • In the Labour Party we are absolutely united in our belief that shipping must define its 'fair share' of tackling climate change, and develop an emissions reduction plan for the sector.
    - Barry Gardiner
  • In order to properly measure the impacts of climate change on our Financial system they must first be identified and disclosed.
    - Barry Gardiner