Best quotes by Ro James on Dad

Checkout quotes by Ro James on Dad

  • My dad got into this group, Commission, with Fred Hammond, and that was my biggest gospel memory. I would hear that all the time, and listening to their voices helped me develop my voice because I would try to emulate them as a kid. It taught me tone, and it gave me a balance.
    - Ro James
  • My dad... was in the military, a drill sergeant, when he was a preacher. You know how some Christians really get into church and become very radical? Imagine him as a radical and a drill sergeant. It was intense.
    - Ro James
  • I was shy: I sang at home but not in public. My dad's side of the family sang, so I would hear their voices and think mine couldn't compare.
    - Ro James
  • I would sing at home. I would sing in the car with my dad, but whenever he tried to make me sing in church, I was like, 'Nah, I'm not doing that.' I didn't want to sing in front of all these people.
    - Ro James
  • My dad and mom used to always say, 'Write your vision down. Write the things that you want to happen.' I would write, 'I want to make soul cool.'
    - Ro James