Best quotes by Christina Anstead on Day

Checkout quotes by Christina Anstead on Day

  • Since 'Flip or Flop' aired in 2013, people really weren't asking me, like, 'Hey, what paint color is that?' or, 'Where'd you get that cabinet?' It was more, 'How do you stay healthy? How do you balance work life with the kids? What are you eating during the day?'
    - Christina Anstead
  • I think most people see me as a glamorous type of person, and at the end of the day, I'm more just a low-key mom.
    - Christina Anstead
  • The day Tarek and I officially started dating, which was October 9, 2006, we moved in together.
    - Christina Anstead
  • In terms of what I eat in a day, for breakfast, I love overnight oats, and I'm also a huge smoothie person.
    - Christina Anstead
  • I eat five small meals a day that usually consist of overnight oats for breakfast, a green juice for a snack, salad with a protein for lunch, granola bar as a snack and then a healthy dinner of chicken or salmon and veggies, tacos or vegan chili.
    - Christina Anstead
  • A quick 3-mile run around my neighborhood is what I find maximizes my quick workouts and gives me energy to get through my day.
    - Christina Anstead