Best quotes by Astro on Me

Checkout quotes by Astro on Me

  • I wasn't the cool kid in school, but I wasn't the lame one. I knew I wasn't cool, so I called myself lame, and that's what made me cool in front of the cool kids.
    - Astro
  • I've been writing way before 'X Factor,' and I've been doing shows before 'X Factor.' And everything I did on this show was me being me. Same way I acted in the show is the same way I act now as an artist.
    - Astro
  • I don't want music to be a job for me; I want it to be something I'm doing for fun. As long it's not a job, then you're straight.
    - Astro
  • My mom convinced me to audition for 'The X Factor.' And I just said, 'O.K., let me see what it's about. $5 million? Might as well try.' I tried out, and it worked out. I got through top seven out of 200,000, so I'm proud.
    - Astro
  • I'm a germophobe, so I don't like people talking over my food, breathing, spitting, anything. Just let me eat in peace.
    - Astro
  • I'm from Brooklyn, New York. I'm a hip-hop artist. That's just that. You're going to have to accept me or just not be a fan, I guess.
    - Astro
  • If I'm extra happy or excited, it'll take me an hour or two to write a song. Or, if I'm really sad or something, it will take me about a day. But I have a specific way of writing: I just listen to the beat. I think about what I'm going to write over the beat.
    - Astro
  • I know, if I would have won 'X-Factor' and if I would have continued in that lane, I would have spiraled out of control. Performing on there was good, but it wasn't me. It was me compromising for the judges, just different people around.
    - Astro
  • I started in '07, and I remember, at that point, nobody was trying to hear from me because I was a young rapper. I'd be saying stuff better than some of what the hottest rappers were saying back then, but nobody was trying to hear from me.
    - Astro