Best quotes by Moshe Kasher on Internet

Checkout quotes by Moshe Kasher on Internet

  • The problem with the internet and the way that we communicate on the internet is - I mean it's obvious to everybody - but sometimes we don't stop and take a breath and think about it.
    - Moshe Kasher
  • Problematic' is one of these meaningless jargon words that people on the internet outrage circles throw at one another.
    - Moshe Kasher
  • But I'm getting to a point where I'm trying to stop reading reviews about myself, only because it's a no-win situation. If they say something nice, you get a little ego pump. But people on the Internet are straight-up cruel, and I'm becoming increasingly uncomfortable reading the ridiculous cruelties that people spit out on the Internet.
    - Moshe Kasher
  • I think people are really desperate for conversations. I'm really fascinated by the idea that at the same time, the internet is sort of expunging our attention spans.
    - Moshe Kasher
  • I wanted to be like Phil Donahue for the internet generation.
    - Moshe Kasher