Best quotes by Rene Burri on Me

Checkout quotes by Rene Burri on Me

  • It took me six years to get close to Picasso. I learnt a lot from him, and he was an absolute genius. He almost became my grandfather at the time. It was like he was a magician or something.
    - Rene Burri
  • I never had the time or luxury to think about inventing my own colour theory. When colour came, I was interested in expressing things that happened around me in time.
    - Rene Burri
  • In 1958, a year before the revolution, Magnum wanted to send me to Cuba because they had contacts with the rebels. I'd just spent six months in South America and said 'No', so I missed everything.
    - Rene Burri
  • For me, Picasso was the ultimate man. He taught me that photography is all about how you approach an image: what you do and what you don't do. He inspired me to go beyond what you think is in front of you.
    - Rene Burri
  • I grew up in Switzerland, in this kind of rigidity. It was Protestant, and I was rather shy. That influenced me a lot.
    - Rene Burri
  • The camera has always been a magic wand for me, giving me access to places where I could try new experiments.
    - Rene Burri