Best quotes by Richard Trumka on Work

Checkout quotes by Richard Trumka on Work

  • You see, without hard work and responsibility, there is no American Dream. Hard work lays the foundation. Our solidarity makes work pay - for all of us. For the greater good. That's what our vision of shared prosperity is all about.
    - Richard Trumka
  • We can support Barack Obama because he's committed to putting America back to work with good jobs - and he proved it by saving the auto industry.
    - Richard Trumka
  • What I care about is whether or not a leader will work with America's working people, whether or not a leader cares about responsibility and honest work and whether or not a leader will fight to keep the American Dream alive.
    - Richard Trumka
  • We're building an independent political program that can run electoral politics and then turn on a dime to hold our leaders to task, in case they suddenly develop that old case of amnesia! We'll be there to remind them what they promised and who they promised to work for!
    - Richard Trumka
  • There is nothing stronger than the American labor movement. United, we cannot and we will not be turned aside. We'll work for it, sisters and brothers. We'll stand for it. Together. Each of us. To bring out the best in America. To bring out the best in ourselves, and each other.
    - Richard Trumka