Best quotes by Paul Nehlen on People

Checkout quotes by Paul Nehlen on People

  • I'm so grateful to Ms. Palin and all the people who've endorsed me.
    - Paul Nehlen
  • The jobs aren't going away. They're bringing in people to replace Americans in those jobs. And this Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership, it makes it worse.
    - Paul Nehlen
  • Donald Trump has courageously taken on the entrenched special interests who sought to suppress the working people of this country and who have sought to deny them a livable wage.
    - Paul Nehlen
  • I'm a businessman. I build things, create jobs - jobs that allow people to pay their mortgage, put food on the table, put their kids through college.
    - Paul Nehlen
  • Paul Ryan is the establishment tool in D.C. that tries to splinter groups and does not work for the will of the people.
    - Paul Nehlen
  • We are absolutely going to make sure Paul Ryan is being held accountable to the people.
    - Paul Nehlen